Though businesses used to rely on the Court system to resolve disputes, many businesses are now turning to mediation because it is a far more cost-effective and time-efficient approach to resolving internal and external business disputes.

Though businesses used to rely on the Court system to resolve disputes, many businesses are now turning to mediation because it is a far more cost-effective and time-efficient approach to resolving internal and external business disputes. At Vervaecke Law & Mediation, our experienced team has successfully mediated many types of business disputes including but not limited to: employment law disputes; breach of contract; violation of non-compete agreements and residential foreclosures.
Business mediations can focus on many issues related to the well-being of a business while avoiding expensive court costs and allowing you to retain control over the outcome of a dispute. Our experienced, impartial mediators will aim to solve any problem that arises within the confines of your business while being sensitive to the special concerns of your business.