Any criminal allegation or arrest can result in serious penalties including jail time, fines, and a lasting criminal record. Whether you are under investigation, were recently arrested, or believe that you may be charged with a crime, it is crucial that you bring in a trusted criminal attorney to aid in your defense. As both a former Douglas County Public Defender and a member of the Criminal Justice Act panel in Federal Court, Karen L. Vervaecke has represented defendants at every stage of criminal proceedings in County, District and Federal court. At Vervaecke Law & Mediation P.C. L.L.O. We will passionately fight for your rights and will aggressively pursue a favorable outcome for your case.

Drug Related Crimes
There is no such thing as a “minor” drug offense. It is important to know your rights and options when faced with any drug crime, whether the charge is for possession, trafficking, manufacture or distribution. We will work to reduce the severity of these drug-related punishments and to ensure that you receive a satisfactory defense.

Misdemeanor Criminal Charges
Misdemeanor charges can carry serious penalties including jail time of up to one year, significant fines or loss of licenses. When you are charged with a misdemeanor, such as, a traffic offense, domestic violence, drugs, or property crimes, you need a knowledgeable attorney who has experience in winning difficult cases and we are those knowledgeable attorneys.

Felony Criminal Charges
Being accused of a felony is a serious matter. Felonies involve a property crime, theft, sex offense, drug crime, violent crime or other crimes against a person. When charged with a felony you may be facing jail/prison time, fines, and loss of your liberty. We will seize every opportunity to fight for your rights both before and during trial.

Federal Crimes
At Vervaecke Law & Mediation P.C. L.L.O., we are experienced in complex federal investigations involving white collar crimes, weapons offenses, fraud, internet and cyber crimes, and drug trafficking. We will handle your case from investigation through trial, where necessary, and ensure effective representation.